EVERY WEDNSDAY AT 6 PM, VEGAN DINNER + INFORMATIVE SESSION (some are videos and some are live). Check SFVS weekly calendar for details.
May 27th
This coming Wed. evening, May 27 at 6 pm, at the Opera Plaza Community Room, 601 Van Ness, San Francisco, listen to an important presentation by Dr. William Harris via video, on how to be your own vegan nutritionist. Dr. Harris has been director of the Kaiser Permanente Vegetarian Lifestyle clinic, and is the author of "The Scientific Basis of Vegetarianism" He is a renowned authority and speaker on the topic of healthy and complete vegan nutrition. In this presentation, Dr. Harris cuts through the maze of contradictory nutritional recommendations, with a few simple rules. He has been vegan for over 50 years, so speaks from tested experience.
After his presentation, you will receive a handout to take home. It is a COMPREHENSIVE list of easy to find and inexpensive vegan foods which are good sources for:
essential fats
vitamin D
omega 3
Vitamin B12
other vegan essentials
This is a one-stop list which you can take with you to the store or use in preparing shopping lists. It covers the territory. Developed by certified Nutritionists, the information is safe and complete. If you have questions, a certified Nutritionist will be present in person to provide answers and information.
Before the presentation, enjoy a DELICIOUS vegan dinner planned and presented by a certified Nutritionist. Carefully designed for nutritional excellence, you will go away feeling the positive difference. All vegan and all health-supporting, made without eggs, dairy, honey, oil or added sugars. And, it is all you care to eat. bring a container and take some home with you to enjoy.
Location is the Opera Plaza Community Room, 601 Van Ness, San Francisco. Take the elevator to the first floor, then security will key you down to the mezzanine for the event.
A fifteen dollar requested donation covers the all you can eat vegan dinner, The Nutritionist donates her time. Funds go toward facility rental, food, transport and other costs.
RSVP to (888) 234-1361 or email to: rsvp@wellnesscentral.us
Wellness Central
David Koot